Knowledge Sharing Research Centre

Author: · Published: September 27, 2006 · Category: Knowledge Management 

The objectives and functions proposed at Center for Scientific Information and Documentation – Indonesian Institute of Sciences (CSDI-IIS), suggests an organizational form and structure for the organization which is considered here to be a networked concortium of science and technology knowledge and information services in Indonesia. The concept of CSDI-IIS extention agents is considered to provide S&T knowledge services for the public and knowledge sharing among Indonesia’s researchers communities whose members depend on having timely, reliable and economical access to problem solving.

Usability issues should be considered during the model of  research centre knowledge sharing in order to build systems which people with limited technological skills and readily use, we discuss two key forms of knowledge sharing usability, interface usability and the human-computer-interaction has helped model knowledge sharing principles to improve interface usability.

Download Tulisan Lengkap: bse-kseresearch.pdf

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