Analyzing Requirements Engineering Problems

Author: · Published: October 27, 2007 · Category: Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak 

The requirements engineering is the first phase of software engineering process, in which user requirements are collected, understood, and specified. Requirements engineering is recognized as a critical task, since many software failures originate from inconsistent, incomplete or simply incorrect requirements specifications. Many of the most common, most serious problems associated with software development are related to requirement. The Standish Group study noted that three most commonly cited factors that caused projects to be challenged:

  • Lack of user input: 13 percent of all projects
  • Incomplete requirements and specifications: 12 percent of projects
  • Changing requirements and specifications: 12 percent of all projects

However, a correct, consistent and complete way to collect, understand, specify and verify user requirements is important and necessary.

We can summarize the issues discussed in the requirements engineering as the “rock” problem. The requirements that describes “bring me a rock”, will be actually “bring me a small blue rock”, or “bring me a spherical small blue rock.” All the people can become frustrated by the problems of specifying an acceptable “rock”. We have got to get it right the first time yet also provide for iterative process in which the customer ultimately discovers what kind of rock he wants.
In this paper we try to analyze the root problems of the requirements engineering from several viewpoints.

Download Tulisan Lengkap: romi-ijw2003.pdf

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